Dermatologist twice a year
I began visiting a dermatologist twice a year in my early 40’s as age spots, spider veins and all those glorious visitors began to service. My providers will laugh when they would ask me every time what problem I came in with that day. “it’s my fix the ugly visit,” I would smirk and we’d all laugh. I would point to the newest age spot that had settled on my face, they would give me the disclaimer that they could cryotherapy it (freeze it off but there was a risk of scarring), and I would say. “it’s was ugly either way, so freeze away!” Cryosurgery fades age spots by freezing them with a liquid nitrogen solution, causing the darkened skin to peel away from the body. A quick sting, a little watery eyes and I had an ugly spot for about then days. The scab would eventually fall off and alas, Mr. Age spot was gone! I was blessed that my pale skin never scarred nor left a white spot. It perfectly removed them without a trace. Yay!
I don’t want to go twice a year
This continued on for several years, when I finally begin to think with me being a nurse, there had to be a way for me to do this safely at home. I began looking for the cryo freeze container they had and found it on medical sights, but at a hefty price and requireing a physician license to purchase. I continued to see many a lady my age and older asking on various skin forums I was on, “How can we get rid of age spots at home??” I was determined and I was challenged!
After much thought and research, I decided to try the freeze spray for warts. I figured it would either 1) work (YAY) 2) Not work (boo) or 3) either but scar or leave me with hypopigmentation (a white spot lighter than my skin.) To my amazement, it was number one with absolutely no hypopigmentation. I have now gotten rid of many brown spots at home and wondered why the ladies in my groups spent hundreds of dollars and much time on trinkets and formulas that left minimal to none results. My important disclaimer: This has not replaced my dermatology check-ups! I have had five skin cancers and it is a necessity to get my skin checked by a professional. (A fellow professional, none the less, for I am a mastered degree registered nurse with skin injector training,) but it’s important to know what is on your body before attempting anything.
I wouldn’t try it…
I think part of the reason I have such good results is my pale skin. I would not even try it if I had beautiful olive or dark skin for fear I would trade a brown spot for a white one. I have done it successfully on myself as well as my immediate family members with the same pale skin.
Which one to buy?
This is the one I purchase that has worked fantastic for me: I have also tried other brands that just didn’t cut the mustart…or freeze off the ugly, if you will.
Does it hurt?
Yes. I am not going to lie. It stings. And a tear and ouch (or bad word if you must) may come out. But it only stings for about a minute, so I was willing. (I birthed a 10lb baby at 21 years old, so there’s that.) I do not get this anywhere near my eyes, and I always did a test spot somewhere not obvious (inner wrist) before I did my face.
Will it work for me?
I can’t tell you that, dearest ones. I can only share my journey and tell you it works amazing on my skin, I always have my skin checked my physician before and I also am a qualified medical professional. But I can tell you that I freeze off my age spots easily and I am surprised the secret isn’t out! I hope you find this helpful and go watch the complete video on my youtube!
This blog and information contained in is for entertainment purposes only and is not meant to replace or give medical advice. Always seek medical attention before attempting any treatment mentioned.
Let me know in the comments what you have tried for your age spots!
Xoxo, Trishy
I have some spots starting to show on the back of my hands. I’m going to give this a try.
Thanks 🙏